
Get to meet the family!

Hi, this is Rabbi Shleima and Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Morrison.

We are the shluchim (Emissaries) of the Rebbe! We are here to help spread light to campus! We offer Jewish learning, programs, Shabbat meals, Holiday meals and services.

We are there to help students connect with their Jewish roots and heritage! We are your Jewish Home away from home!

Some of the fun @ Chabad of RPI

Upcoming events

Every Friday Night, we have our weekly Shabbat dinners located at the Chabad House, 1908 Burdett Ave Troy N,Y At 7:30 P.M.

  • To sign up click here forms.gle/UuBpQd6hNHSGRirBA


Thank G-d our organization has been growing in big leaps. we will need to Expand the Chabad Center.Stay tuned for our expansion fundraiser. If you would like to take part in this amazing project, please reach out to us by email chabadrpi@gmail.org